
November 18, 2013

I have finished "The Working Life" background stories. They can be found under the "work" tab at the top. They range from parts 1-6 and might change them to a name/title later on. Now I will probably begin working on some school stories, because that's how my social anxiety all began. Stay tuned!

November 13, 2013

I'm nearly finished with "The Working Life" posts which are just stories from different attempts at various jobs and trying to get a job. I am writing them up to my current point in life, in which then I will just start writing random posts dealing with work situations and anxiety. After that, I will be writing about my anxiety life through school. I love writing out all my stories, situations, outcomes, and progress through it all.

Again, still working on the design. Having some issues with the comments that I will eventually get around to. They do work though, it's just weird how they are displayed or lack of displayed.

October 10, 2013

I have been working and writing on my blog quite a bit the past couple days. I was trying to figure out ways to organize it since it's kind of a mix between past and present thoughts and events. First thing I did was make the home page static so I can write updates here so you can see them when you visit. I then moved all of my blog posts over to "Blog" and then I am creating tabs for categories I list them under.

I've started my blog with my working life since it's been a crazy journey. It's in different parts because it gets to be long when I'm writing out all of my thoughts and anxiety in situations. I am so happy to be able to write it all out now!

My blog is still a work in progress with the design, so bear with me!