Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back to Blogger

I'm back blogging at Blogger. Hopefully for good, as I've seen lots of nice page designs for Blogger. So I apologize in advance if the design changes frequently at first. Still trying to find one I like that is simple. As a web designer, I get picky about how my blog looks, so I tend to spend more time tweaking it up than writing. Which annoys me when all I want to do is write, but I feel I can't write without my blog looking the way I want.

Anyways, I've been wanting to start this blog for a very long time. Probably since at least last summer, if not before. I plan this to be mostly about my life with social anxiety and mostly as a way to vent out my innermost thoughts. This can be anything from the past, present or future. Some days things from the past bother me, and other times I'm worrying about the future. I don't think there are many days when there's not an anxious thought on my mind.